Harris County Academy of Family Physicians
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Students enrolled in allopathic or osteopathic medical schools that are approved by appropriate U.S. accrediting institutions as defined by the AAFP Commission on Education.
May have floor at Assembly. (Duly-elected student delegates to the Congress have additional privileges.)
Applications for student and resident membership are approved at the national level, subject to AAFP Bylaws.
National headquarters completes enrollment. Transfers from one classification to another must be approved by the constituent chapter.
If all membership requirements are met, membership is continued on an annual basis, unless notification is received from the member.
Physicians training in ACGME-accredited three-year FP residencies.
Physicians training in AOA-approved rotating general or FP internships and AOA-approved general or FP residencies.
Graduates of ACGME or AOA FP residencies immediately extending training or entering fellowships.
May vote and have floor at Assembly. May hold constituent chapter office and national committee appointments.
Applications for student and resident membership are approved at the national level, subject to AAFP bylaws.
National headquarters completes enrollment. Transfers from one classification to another must be approved by the constituent chapter.
If all membership requirements are met, membership is continued on an annual basis, unless notification is received from the member.