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Harris County Academy of Family Physicians
a local chapter of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.
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Harris County Academy of Family Physicians

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About Us
The population in Houston and Harris County is continuously expanding, along with the HCAFP membership. A significant number of our members live in adjacent counties but choose to place their membership with HCAFP, making us the largest, most dynamic chapter in Texas.

HCAFP provides nine (9) scientific dinner meetings each year with legislative updates, supports medical student scholarships, works with medical student organizations to foster interest in family medicine, support family practice residency program in our area, involved in patient education and other exciting opportunities.

TAFP by-laws enroll family physicians in the county chapter of their residence. However, you are at liberty of transferring your membership to the chapter of your choice. If you are not a member of HCAFP and would like more information, please contact us or TAFP.

Click here to see the current list of the HCAFP Board of Directors.

Click here to view HCAFP Bylaws.
HCAFP Century Club - an excellent opportinty for tax deductible contributions with your specific direction of fund allocation. The Century Club members are dedicated to the recognition and support of outstanding UT McGovern, University of Houston College of Medicine, and BCM Medical Students committed to Family Medicine as their specialty. Three areas of student support are:

Pruessner Medical Students Scholarship - A single $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student from either of the three local medical schools. Funds will be received once the student matches into a Family Medicine residency program. This scholarship has been given for approximately 10 years. Century Club goals are to increase the value of the award to encourage interest and competition for the scholarships.

Richard Garrison Endowment - Dr. Garrison was active in research and publication of clinical interest research for family physicians. This fund provides an opportunity and the encouragement for family medicine residents to investigate, present and publish their work while developing future thought leaders in family medicine.

Lewis Foxhall Preceptor Fund - Established in 2012, the Preceptorship fund is dedicated to help defray expenses incurred by medical students as they do clerkship opportunities when their personal expenses can be minimized. This fund was developed as a necessity after large budget cuts were put in place by our state legislature.

Century Club members benefit by knowing their donation is 100% tax deductible, each member’s name is published on the HCAFP announcements and stationary with special name tags to be worn during our meetings! The most important benefit is knowing that as a group, we are encouraging the best and brightest medical students to appreciate the value of family medicine, select family medicine as their specialty and become leaders in family medicine.